How to care for teeth after root canal and some notes

Teeth after root canal treatment will gradually become weaker because they are not nourished, so tooth care is very important. So how to care for your teeth after a root canal to protect your teeth as well as ensure they last long and chew well.

Why do teeth become dead after root canal?

The dental pulp is a connective tissue composed of blood vessels and nerves, located in the pulp cavity in the middle of each tooth and surrounded by the tooth's hard tissue.

Dental pulp plays an important role in helping to nourish tooth tissues, regenerate dentin, protect teeth and provide feeling to the teeth.

Root canal treatment is a procedure in which the entire tooth pulp including the diseased pulp and the remaining pulp must be removed. Like other parts of the body, once there are no blood vessels and nerves left, that organization will die and teeth are no exception.

How long will a tooth last after root canal treatment?

After root canal treatment, the tooth will have many changes and will no longer be as strong as before because the tooth only has enamel and dentin left, the dentin will not be regenerated, over time it will lead to the following problems. :

  • The strength of teeth gradually decreases
  • Teeth become brittle and break easily
  • The chewing power of teeth is reduced
  • The tooth will wear down after a root canal
  • The filling on a root canal tooth will peel off over time
  • Teeth can still have decay after root canal treatment
  • Because your teeth no longer feel, when there are large cavities or broken or chipped teeth, you don't pay attention. This can be very dangerous as the tooth may need to be removed.

If a tooth that has had a root canal removed is not protected after root canal treatment, the tooth will not have the chewing function and will not last long.

How to care for teeth after root canal?

Regenerate the tooth crown

After a root canal, filling the tooth is very important. The filling material must be suitable to help strengthen the tooth. If the tooth is decayed, broken, or has a lot of tooth structure lost, the doctor will need to add additional pins into the root canal to make the tooth crown more stable when chewing.

Porcelain tooth crown

Applying porcelain crowns immediately after root canal treatment will help bring about the highest tooth protection effect. Doctors will advise on suitable dental covering materials to ensure maximum chewing function as well as aesthetics for the teeth.

Change your diet appropriately

After a root canal, the tooth will no longer feel the properties of food, so you need to change your diet and limit hard and chewy foods. In addition, foods that are too hot or too cold will also cause the teeth to not adapt in time, causing tooth cracking.

Change eating habits

You need to change your eating habits by chewing food thoroughly and slowly, and should limit the use of teeth that have had root canal treatment for chewing because it will easily cause breakage or cracking of teeth with lost pulp.

Clean oral hygiene

Brush your teeth regularly at least twice a day and always make sure your oral cavity is always clean with dental floss or a water pick and can combine with mouthwash.

Visit the dentist regularly and have your teeth scaled as directed

Regular dental visits will help you understand the condition of your teeth, and your teeth will be protected to the maximum with timely treatment measures. In addition, scaling your teeth helps keep your teeth clean, preventing plaque buildup and the cause of dangerous dental diseases.

Some notes to know after root canal surgery

You should keep in mind the following when taking care of your root canal teeth to best protect your teeth:

  • You should use physiological saline to rinse your mouth after eating. This helps eliminate bacteria that are harmful to the teeth that have just been treated.
  • You should use interdental brushes with soft bristles. Brush your teeth gently and thoroughly at the root canal treatment area. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and evening. Toothbrushes need to be replaced every 3 months.
  • Use dental floss to clean between teeth and food stuck in places that a toothbrush cannot clean.
  • Maintain the habit of regular dental check-ups at least every 6 months. So that doctors can monitor oral health, detect and promptly treat dental diseases.
  • If teeth have symptoms such as sensitivity or prolonged pain after root canal treatment, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Porcelain crowns after root canal treatment are the best method to protect teeth. If you are experiencing painful tooth pulp infection, please contact MIRAI dentistry immediately at the address below, our dentist will directly advise and plan the most optimal treatment for you.

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